Friday, 30 April 2010


All too often we take for granted the ones we love. Perhaps we get caught up in our daily activities of living and working and we forget to share our true inner feelings.“She knows I love her,” or “He knows I love him” but we never tell our loved ones. How does the person know you love them if you don’t say it? And why should we assume they know? We sometimes believe that because we said it last week, then it should still stand till this week. For most women it doesn’t work like that.We just need to hear it over and over again. We all want to hear our loved ones say it “I love you”.May be you grew up in a family where positive, loving feelings were not expressed in words, so you don’t know what to say. Perhaps you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing, or that if you express your feelings you won’t be able to control them. That’s okay, even you cry.An advertisement I came across reads, “Say it flowers”, May be that’s how you tell that special someone of your love or may be say it with a well- chosen card.
My boyfriend loves dark chocolates, so I often give him those and a card on special occasions. He appreciates those token of love, but I’ve learnt over the years not to let the cards or gift do all the work of saying what I really feel inside.I also need to say the words, “I love you.”Everyone needs to hear words of love. In the Song of Solomon, The lovers frequently used endearing terms when speaking to each other.Today, tell that special person “I love you”. Not just with candy or flowers but with words- Dave Egner.
Think this over.When was the last time you said “I love you” to a special person in your life?Think of a special quality you appreciate in that person and tell him or her about it.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Sunday, 11 April 2010


Don't you just admire this kind of courage?
I met a mouse neat and square
Rather than killing it, I gave it cheese
It must have thought this queer.
For it came back
and asked unexpectedly,
‘Can I have milk as well?
This got me thinking and I tried to relate this to our daily lives.
We are faced with challenges that leave us uncertain.
Just like this bold mouse,sometimes we need to step out in boldness
and go for what we want despite the fear and doubts in our minds.
We can still feel the fear and do it anyway.
Don't let fear keep you from chasing that dream you've always wanted.
It's better to try and fail than fail to try.
Your courage is the first step to getting what you want and achieving that desired dream of your heart.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi