Friday, 30 December 2011


Plant your feet in solid ground. Build your house on rock rather than sand. Build lasting relationship rather than fleeting romances. Seek the house of the Lord rather than the "House" then the Lord. These are some catch phrases to remind you to create a firm foundation. Why is it important to create a firm foundation, I will tell you why? Creating a firm foundation prevents you from loosing your yourself and everything you have worked hard for.
How do you create a firm foundation? You create it by building your life upon principles, individual set of values, morals, your religion and so forth. Principles like honesty, integrity and values like responsibility and bravery. Each value system differs from person to person. By governing your life by these ideals, it will help during the most difficult time. As for me my faith in God helps me through many situations. I'm not the type of person to carry my relationship with God on my shoulder rather I choose to carry it in heart and mind. Those are the values and beliefs that govern my life and in which I choose to build my house upon.
It is important that we let our beliefs and morals be at the forefront in our lives. Let it guide you and speak for you. Your actions speak louder than your words. And your actions are a depiction of your lifestyle. And your lifestyle is a mirror of who you are. Remember every great structure needs a firm foundation.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


This is the time where we all need to continue to press forward. There is no other time like now in which our present and future calls us to become manifestations of our dreams. We all have goals and visions in life. And we must fulfill them. Your destiny will partly help but perserverance solidfies it. Many of us have dreams and goals that are like visions in which we seize to nurture. The time is now for you to carry out the goals you set before yourself. Whether it be a new business, finishing school and etc.--the reason why is because, there are some of you who are chosen to make a significant difference. And you must take advantage of time. We are discouraged and perplexed from many angles...still yet you must move forward. You cannot let your problems (or what you view as problems) deter you from your goals. This may sound cliche...but it is the truth. I come across alot of people who have something powerful about them, but sadly they don't know it or realize it yet. Time waits for no man and time will pick someone else if you are not ready to step up to the plate. The reason why we do not have transformational leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahandis Ghandi is because many of us are not willing to make huge sacrifices for the betterment of thier neighbor. We believe by getting an education we then educate the youth...yes..but our youths need visible leaders who will inspire them to become higher than just teachers or professors. We don't need to read about social movements or non violent protests...we need inspiration to have one.
We need to be inspired to write books, not to read them. To make speeches, not to listen to them. To become leaders, not to read about them. As an individual we need to move forward in our own personal lives. We need to become more active in this process of life.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Thursday, 15 September 2011


A confident woman is a strong woman. She is rooted in her values and convicted by her truths. She walks with authority and does not settle for less. A confident woman is a hard-working woman, who is aware of her gifts and basks in her accomplishments. Are you a confident woman?
Here are ten steps to building your confidence:
1. Be comfortable in your own skin.
2. Look good and feel good.
3. Work towards becoming a better you.
4. Write your goals on paper.
5. Read self-help books.
6. Surround yourself with positive people.
7. Discover your passions and strengths.
8. Speak Up.
9. Look Up
10. Love yourself.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Thursday, 25 August 2011


The power of empathy, to be able to feel, identify and relate to the experiences of others. How different would this world be, if people could sense and feel the pain of others? If we could picture ourselves in the shoes of others and understand their world, I believe it would be a better world. The problem with people is that when we look at others we only look but we do not feel. We ought to be grateful and appreciative to God because we could be in the same situations as others has found themselves to be in.
The whole point of life in my perspective is to see how your life can be meaningful to others. It is to learn from people, help others, be kind and respectful and most of all be empathic and compassionate. It takes a sincere human being to truly understand others, to understand their actions, decision, mistakes, grievances, accomplishments and so much more. It takes a pure-hearted person to not turn their nose up to a homeless person or to look down on a prostitute. Life is all about circumstances, it is because of circumstances that people find themselves in certain situations. You could have been that homeless person or that prostitute, but it is by the grace of God that you are where you are. And it is the grace of God that you have come out of whatever demons that troubled you.
Learn how to love genuinely, talk with honesty, walk with integrity, feel with empathy, hear with wisdom and act as if you owed the world your life. It is not enough to say, "I know how you feel," the world needs more people who not only understands but to truly feels.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


I have decided to write on something totally different from that which I am used to. A topic I chose because I have friends who have recently gotten into it, are about getting into it and also because I know that eventually, I will get into it. The topic is marriage. The institution of marriage is one I know nothing about except what is on the surface. My opinions are a product of other people’s experiences and hearsay. My views are based on assessments from the outside. A layman’s views if you like.Some people see marriage as a moral requirement. Others see it as an social necessity. More often than not, people view marriage as a religious obligation.Whatever the reason for people deciding to get married, the decision in it self has far reaching consequences. This is because marriage transcends the two people who are getting into it. It brings about the merging of cultures, habits and most importantly, families.
Marriage for me is one of those institutions whose dignity and sanctity cannot be over emphasised. A journey whose destination is unknown.It's a journey which those embarking on have no clear or predetermined route. A union that goes beyond love or whatever reasons one has for getting into it. A decision that involves the rest of peoples’ lives and most importantly, a process that involves bringing into the world, new life. In Nigerian lingo, it is not a joking matter.Based on what I conceive marriage to be, I fear that my generation is headed for trouble based on the alarming rate at which some young couples choose to end their marriages at the expense of not just their happiness, but the happiness of family, friends, well wishers and worst of all, young children. I also fear, that my generation is yet to fully comprehend the requirements of marriage and doctrines that guard it with my humble self included.I do not know what causes marriages to fail. I do not know what makes marriages work. I do not know what a successful marriage is ought to be or how success in marriage is measured. What I do know however is what a failed marriage is and I do not wish it on my worst enemy.I urge anyone getting married to understand that the marriage path may not always be smooth. To recognise that differences may arise and tempers may flare. One should however, not give in to that notion that ending the union might be the best way out. If however, one has to take that bitter decision, then one should take it knowing they tried all that was humanly possible to not become another divorce statistic.I pen this piece not because I am a pessimist or afraid of marriage, I write this because failed marriages leave wounds and scars that may never be healed even with time. Failed marriages are anti-climaxes that shed a bad light on an otherwise respectable institution. Failed marriages lead to social decline and moral decadence. Something no society should allow and fight to stop.
I take this opportunity to say congratulations to anyone that has recently got married and also to wish anyone getting married a blissful union and happy days ahead. To my yet-to-be married husband whoever and wherever he may be, I shall try all in my power not to let our marriage be a failed one.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Monday, 6 June 2011


Whether you are straight out of school or simply stuck in a career that is unfulfilling, you may be thinking-there must be something more to life. For everyone, there is…and this is called your passion. It is that hobby, that talent, that activity that really makes you excited-something you just need to know more about, and are compelled to in every way. No matter where you are in the spectrum of things in your life, it is never too late to start seeking out this passion. The sooner you do, the sooner you can start living a fulfilled and happy life. This is said, where do you start, and what do you do? Here are the most important steps to finding and creating your own life’s passion.

1. Interests: The best start when seeking out your life’s passion is to consider what hobbies and interests you may have that really make you feel happy-when you think about them, when you do them, and also how much time you spend doing them. There will be many interests and hobbies that are just that, but start looking at your interests as possible careers; and you could easily find a passion for your life.
2. Talents: Where your interests and hobbies are founded is whether or not you have a talent for it. Unfortunately, not all interests we have are things that we have talent in. This said, in order to find a passion-you need both. Just remember, even if you do not have a knack for one hobby or interest, do not become disheartened, as we all have a talent or two for something; and this something could be a fulfilling.
3. Open Your Mind: It is absolutely necessary that someone seeking a passion in life understand that they must open their minds to possible industries, avenues, and possible activities that they might not have originally found interesting or possible because of circumstances. It is only through this opening of the mind that a person can fully appreciate a possible excitement for something new or existing.
4. Learn About Various Fields: Do your research on a broad range of fields before choosing one or another. The only way to find the right field for you is to take a look at what niches, industries, and jobs exist; and which ones really make you excited and interested. Do your research, make a list of possible jobs and industries, and ask people who work in the field and positions. This way, you can gain a truly complete idea of what is involved with your possible passion.
5. Keep At It: Lastly, once you find the thing that makes you tick and makes you feel excited when you wake up just to do it, keep at it. Make sure you never give up, and you do all you can to make it work. It is, after all, your passion.

Stay Inspired
Mimee PK

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Everyday the phrase second chance passes by me but I have never had cause to reflect on the meaning or need of a second chance. I have always believed that people should always take responsibility for their actions and face any consequences or repercussions for things they do. I have however over the past few days realised what a second chance really is and why it is needed. So why a second Chance?
As imperfect beings, everyone has flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings. Looking at our actions from this perspective, it is impossible to live in a world without giving out or receiving transgressions. I realised that over the years, I received and dished out transgressions some times in equal quantities more often than not in different quantities. The issue here is that me and you offend people. Imagine if everyone gave an equal dose of the bitterness and anger caused by your transgressions.
I have experienced genuine remorse for a misdeed in the last few days. Remorse beyond human comprehension. Remorse to the extent that I would not go within a 5 mile radius of my misdeed again. Remorse to the extent that I would rather jump of London bridge into the Thames (I can't swim) than go near that misdeed again. I emphasise the remorse I feel to buttress my point that people can genuinely be sorry for actions and inactions. For this reason, I am now a true advocate of a second chance.
As of today, I have promised myself that I will always give second chances before passing judgment. I am now a believer in second chances. Who knows, this experience might have just made me consider giving third and fourth chances. So at this point, I urge you to ask yourself, have I ever been given a second chance? If the answer is yes, then the next man deserves a second chance too.

PS: For the inquisitive and curious,it has nothing to do with a man.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Friday, 6 May 2011


Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated, day in and day out.” In order to succeed, you must form the habit of following the principles that cause success.
6 lessons on Success:
1. Dare
“The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.” – Dale Carnegie
You only get one bite at the apple. Van Crouch said, “When they back the ‘hearse’ up, they’re not making a practice run.”
You must dare to do the impossible. You have to stretch your borders, risk being told “no”, and risk being laughed at. To succeed you must get in the habit of “daring to do the impossible”
2. Fail
“A stumble may prevent a fall.” – English Proverb
It’s okay to fail; I like to say that failure is the path to success. Just keep failing forward until you succeed; don’t give up. Thomas J. Watson said, “Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure, or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success.”
It’s okay to fail, failing prepares you for success.
3. Grow
“Pity the man who inherits a million and isn’t a millionaire. Here’s what would be pitiful, if your income grew and you didn’t.” – Robert Collier
To succeed you must grow! No one can give you success; you must grow into a successful person through experience, education, learning, and training. You have to change into a successful person. If you don’t change, your life won’t change! David Thomas said, “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.”
4. Imagine
“The great successful men of the world have used their imagination, they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building – steadily building.” – Robert Collier
You have to see your life the way you want it to be! What you see is what you get, if you can’t see it, you won’t get it. If you can’t perceive it, then you will never have it. You must have a vision; the vision must be real to you. Solomon said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
5. Go
“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” – Marva Collins
You have to go towards success. Don’t wait for success to find you because you’ll end up waiting a long time. You have to find it, and you find it through work, focus, dedication, perspiration, and inspiration.
Go after success; chase it down, right in the face of all your fears.
6. Excellence
“The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing a thing exactly right.” – Edward Simmons
To succeed you must believe in giving excellence to your customers. You must give the best of yourself, you must go above and beyond, you must do more than what is expected of you.
If the average person does an average job, the excellent do excellent work. Charles Kendall Adams said, “No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction.”
Whatever you do, do it with excellence, do it with passion, and you will do it well.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Thursday, 28 April 2011


Mary Mary has an awesome song  "God In Me." The song is so inspiring and I believe every young lady should have on rotation on their ipod deck or music player. Sometimes women can be very vindictive and mean. Some may look at other women and say things like, "She think she cute or who she think she is." Creating negative attitudes like jealousy and being too competitive. You believe that if you could get a better car than her, a better job than her, a higher degree than her and so forth, that your success will dwindle her shine. But what you do not know is that, you cannot compete with God.
It is not her hair, her looks, her dress, her success, her material possessions that make her shine, it is the God that is within her. So no matter how hard you may try to be like another female or be better than someone else, your pursuits will be futile. Because you cannot imitate the presence of God. If you do not have the "God Factor" in your life, you cannot reach that level. Sometimes people ask what is it about him or her, the answer is...its the God that is within them. Its that simple.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


If You Want To Attract Love, Be A Loving Person
Did you ever notice that angry people tend to attract other angry people? That greedy people, enjoy the company of other greedy people? Just like we choose to associate with people in our lives that have similar interests as we do, we are also unconsciously choosing people that are putting out that same emotional “frequency” as we do.
So, who cares? Well, you should. That is; if you are interested in “attracting” people into your life that are kind, caring, and loving, and not angry, bitter, and hateful.
It’s all about awareness. If you are attracting negative people into your life, it is most likely that you are putting out negative “energy”, and you are most likely doing that because you are feeling negative “emotions”. If you are aware of that, you can work on putting out more positive energy, by choosing to feel more positive emotions. It is really very simple.
Basically, perception is everything. Ten people will experience the same situation ten different ways. Not because it happened ten different ways, but because they perceived it in ten different ways. Just like the proverbial “glass is half ....., what"? What were you going to say? Full? or Empty?
If we walk through life unconsciously, life will come to us the same way. But, if we choose to be conscious of our feelings and emotions, we can help attract the life we want. It isn’t an exact science. But, if you want to attract love into your life, be a loving person, have loving feeling, have loving emotions. Just by being conscious of your feelings and your emotions, you are altering the frequencies you are putting out into the world. So, think about it for a minute. What frequencies were you putting out today? Loving? Kind?
The good thing is, that we do control our perceptions. Not much else though, you know how it is, we always feel we have no control over our lives. Well, that is because we really don’t have any control over our lives. However,  it is how we “perceive” our out of control lives….that we do have control over. Not too much of a consolation, you say? Except that we can decide if we are going to be a happy, loving person, or an angry, bitter one. That’s a pretty big deal.
Once you decide what type of person you choose to be, then you will know what type of person you will attract into your life. Just like the “frequencies” on a radio, if you want country music, you need to find that frequency. If you want Pop or Rock music, but you keep tuning into the frequency that plays country, well you are going to get country. Once you find the right “emotional” frequency, others with that frequency will be attracted to you.
So, if you want to attract love,you need to be a loving person. Start by loving yourself, being grateful for the things you have. Once you can do that, start replacing angry or negative emotions, with positive loving emotions. Choose your reactions to life and work and family, in a positive loving way. When the “frequencies” you are putting out change, what you will attract to yourself will also change.
Just give it a try. It won't hurt.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Thank the Lord for adversity. We may not say it when we are going through it but lets thank Him for it. Because it was the presence of adversity that made us wiser, stronger, and more appreciative. The devil thought that if he threw adversity in your way, that it would downsize you and your blessing...but he was wrong. Out of pain, great power is produced. It is out of severe heartache extreme joy is truly experienced.
So, I thank God for every adversity. Didn't Nelson Mandela spend 27 years in jail before becoming the President of South Africa. Wasn't it Oprah Winfrey who was raped and abused before becoming one of the richest and most influential women in the world. Wasn't it Maya Angelou who was molested as child before becoming one of the most praised poets in the world. Wasn't is Elie Wiesel who went through the horrors of the Holocaust before winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his powerful literature or even stories of great people like Liz Murray,Joyce Meyer and Nick Vijicic. So you see, out of the depths of pain, heartache and failure God will use you and uplift you.
It is your story that will reach millions of people. Every successful person has a great story to tell. As my dad points out,the experiences that you went through had to come to pass in order to get you to your next level. Because you went through pain you will be able to sympathize with others, because you were in debt you will understand how good it feels to be rich, because you were gravely sick in the hospital you now appreciate what it means to have good health. So you see, we should thank God for adversity and let the devil know everything bad that has happened in our lives will work out for our own good.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


God’s perfect timing Every one's timing is different. And God's own timing is different from our own. Don't race against time, people or yourself. Every plan or goal in your life will happen and come into fruition at its destined time. Everyone is waiting for something...waiting to be married, waiting for a new job, waiting for a child, waiting for healing, waiting...waiting...and waiting. And as we wait we continue to grow impatient. We begin to measure ourselves against everyone else's timing. We begin to look at others and question how come them and not me. And as we grow impatient we look for other alternatives to fill the void of waiting.
We end up with the wrong job, wrong husband or wife, wrong life goal's, wrong pursuits...all because we could not wait. Waiting is the most difficult thing to do but yet the most worthwhile. During your period of waiting--pray, think and evaluate. Pray that God gives you the strength, wisdom and contentedness to wait. Think about God's own timing rather than placing your mind on a worldly clock. And evaluate yourself. Are you currently ready and prepared to receive what it is you have been waiting for?
Trust God to bring into fruition all the plans he has for your life.Do not measure yourself against other people. Do not covet others blessings. Blessings come to many people at different times. Rejoice when God's perfect timing happens in other people's life. God has something in store-even for you.

God is never late.He is always on time
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Sunday, 13 March 2011


The two most important elements of a person, is their character and reputation. Your character is made up of distinctive traits, qualities and or abilities that describe/represent who you are. Your reputation is the estimation in which you are being held. In essence, your reputation stems from your character. Which means you cannot have a reputation without character and you cannot have character that does not produce some sort of a reputation. Your character is your daily display of who you are to the world even when no one is looking.
We sometimes seem to forget the importance of good character and reputation. Why is good character important? Character is like a church bell that rings very loud and grabs everyone attention. It is like a sign plastered on your forehead for everyone to read. Everything you do and say is a reflection of your character. The problem with society is that, we are so eager to look for talent rather than character. Or even talent and character. We want the best singers, doctors, politicians, actors, community organizers, professors, scholars and so much more, but do we ever think of their character. We ask questions in auditions and interviews like, "How long have you been singing" or "What experiences do you have in public relations?" But what about questions like, "Are you compassionate, and if so tell me why" or "What would you do if no one was looking?" We do not need talented or intelligent individuals with bad or no character at all. John Luther states," Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece ,by thought, choice, courage and determination."
Our society needs people who are intelligent and talented enough to be in the best professions and positions life has to offer and who are also thoughtful, compassionate, empathetic, moral, ethical and possess integrity and honestly. We do not need lawyers who lie, investment bankers who steal or politicians who cheat. We get upset when situations like Enron happen or people like Madoff come along...because we never cared to know if they had good character to begin with. The only way we can be an effective, successful and productive society is if we have a body of talented individuals with good character who are willing to take a stand.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Monday, 14 February 2011


To some valentine’s day has been greatly commercialized and holds no value; to others it’s a day to send out poems, gifts and exchange love messages. I found this link Valentine’s Day Video which was very  informative and interesting.Whatever your take is on valentine’s I hope you have a lovely day..Below are some of my favourite quotes to kick start you into this awesome week.
Love is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day~Nicholas Sparks.
Love doesn’t’ grow on trees like apples in Eden;its something you make.And you must use your imagination too~Unknown.You can’t Stop loving or wanting to love because when ,its right it’s the best thing in the world. When you’re in a relationship and it’s good,even if nothing else in your life is right , you feel your whole world is complete ~ Keith Sweat .
Above all , this was the best I came accross.Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.~1Corinthians 13:4-8
Show some love to someone today.I love you all

Stay Inspired
Mimee PK musa

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


We have heard of the The Audacity of Hope but I have come up with a new title, "The Audacity To Be Great." After we have the hope and the faith, we need the audacity to be great. The confidence to live out our great talents and gifts. I believe that the whole point of life is to produce greatness. To be excellent at what you do, to master an art, to excel in our education, to become a better person, to reach the heights of our most inspirational leaders and make a profound difference in small steps. These things can only be done by having the GUTS to actually try and live up to your full potential...despite the obstacles. This is a time for change, a change to make a difference. A time to ignore the naysayers and press forward. Even when the road might seem uncertain, go forward anyway. When you believe that God has your destiny in his hands, nothing can deter you. When you put your faith and dependence solely on God, how can you not accomplish your goals? For you serve a merciful and faithful God who never fails. A God who sees you through and takes you from glory to glory. Obstacles will come but by the grace of God they will not overcome you.
It is important that we remind ourselves of the goals at hand. Keep your eye on the prize and do not be scared to shine and live out your destiny. You are meant to shine brightly and stand out. Like Marianne Williamson said, "Your playing small does not serve the world." It is because of your existence that the world will become a better place (always strive for this goal).

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi