Tuesday, 25 January 2011


We have heard of the The Audacity of Hope but I have come up with a new title, "The Audacity To Be Great." After we have the hope and the faith, we need the audacity to be great. The confidence to live out our great talents and gifts. I believe that the whole point of life is to produce greatness. To be excellent at what you do, to master an art, to excel in our education, to become a better person, to reach the heights of our most inspirational leaders and make a profound difference in small steps. These things can only be done by having the GUTS to actually try and live up to your full potential...despite the obstacles. This is a time for change, a change to make a difference. A time to ignore the naysayers and press forward. Even when the road might seem uncertain, go forward anyway. When you believe that God has your destiny in his hands, nothing can deter you. When you put your faith and dependence solely on God, how can you not accomplish your goals? For you serve a merciful and faithful God who never fails. A God who sees you through and takes you from glory to glory. Obstacles will come but by the grace of God they will not overcome you.
It is important that we remind ourselves of the goals at hand. Keep your eye on the prize and do not be scared to shine and live out your destiny. You are meant to shine brightly and stand out. Like Marianne Williamson said, "Your playing small does not serve the world." It is because of your existence that the world will become a better place (always strive for this goal).

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi