Thursday, 28 April 2011


Mary Mary has an awesome song  "God In Me." The song is so inspiring and I believe every young lady should have on rotation on their ipod deck or music player. Sometimes women can be very vindictive and mean. Some may look at other women and say things like, "She think she cute or who she think she is." Creating negative attitudes like jealousy and being too competitive. You believe that if you could get a better car than her, a better job than her, a higher degree than her and so forth, that your success will dwindle her shine. But what you do not know is that, you cannot compete with God.
It is not her hair, her looks, her dress, her success, her material possessions that make her shine, it is the God that is within her. So no matter how hard you may try to be like another female or be better than someone else, your pursuits will be futile. Because you cannot imitate the presence of God. If you do not have the "God Factor" in your life, you cannot reach that level. Sometimes people ask what is it about him or her, the answer is...its the God that is within them. Its that simple.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


If You Want To Attract Love, Be A Loving Person
Did you ever notice that angry people tend to attract other angry people? That greedy people, enjoy the company of other greedy people? Just like we choose to associate with people in our lives that have similar interests as we do, we are also unconsciously choosing people that are putting out that same emotional “frequency” as we do.
So, who cares? Well, you should. That is; if you are interested in “attracting” people into your life that are kind, caring, and loving, and not angry, bitter, and hateful.
It’s all about awareness. If you are attracting negative people into your life, it is most likely that you are putting out negative “energy”, and you are most likely doing that because you are feeling negative “emotions”. If you are aware of that, you can work on putting out more positive energy, by choosing to feel more positive emotions. It is really very simple.
Basically, perception is everything. Ten people will experience the same situation ten different ways. Not because it happened ten different ways, but because they perceived it in ten different ways. Just like the proverbial “glass is half ....., what"? What were you going to say? Full? or Empty?
If we walk through life unconsciously, life will come to us the same way. But, if we choose to be conscious of our feelings and emotions, we can help attract the life we want. It isn’t an exact science. But, if you want to attract love into your life, be a loving person, have loving feeling, have loving emotions. Just by being conscious of your feelings and your emotions, you are altering the frequencies you are putting out into the world. So, think about it for a minute. What frequencies were you putting out today? Loving? Kind?
The good thing is, that we do control our perceptions. Not much else though, you know how it is, we always feel we have no control over our lives. Well, that is because we really don’t have any control over our lives. However,  it is how we “perceive” our out of control lives….that we do have control over. Not too much of a consolation, you say? Except that we can decide if we are going to be a happy, loving person, or an angry, bitter one. That’s a pretty big deal.
Once you decide what type of person you choose to be, then you will know what type of person you will attract into your life. Just like the “frequencies” on a radio, if you want country music, you need to find that frequency. If you want Pop or Rock music, but you keep tuning into the frequency that plays country, well you are going to get country. Once you find the right “emotional” frequency, others with that frequency will be attracted to you.
So, if you want to attract love,you need to be a loving person. Start by loving yourself, being grateful for the things you have. Once you can do that, start replacing angry or negative emotions, with positive loving emotions. Choose your reactions to life and work and family, in a positive loving way. When the “frequencies” you are putting out change, what you will attract to yourself will also change.
Just give it a try. It won't hurt.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi