Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Do you feel blessed? Some people wonder what it means to be blessed. The word blessed can mean a number of things such as blissful, having great happiness, and having comfort or joy. Being blessed is both spiritual and physical. To feel more blessed, take time to understand the meaning and purpose of the word.What's the Meaning of Being Blessed?There are many things that can help you feel blessed by God, and each person has different things that work for them. When you are blessed, God’s character is incorporated into you and your everyday activities. To be blessed means that you give thanks for things in your life and are grateful. Hardships are even a part of feeling blessed as not everything is positive.
Tips to Feel Blessed
Some of us feel stressed rather than blessed and look for ways to feel blessed. Here are a few things that you can do to feel more blessed daily:
You should realize that you are not the only one feeling stressed. No matter how strong your faith may be, we all can become stressed. Stop and take a breathe and just relax. Deep breathing calms the mind.
Don’t Become Isolated
Make sure you are around friends as well as family to keep you social and not alone. If you have people you have not seen or talked to for a long time, give them a call and talk to them. Catch up on old times. Listen to them share their experiences with you.Having friends to talk to means you are blessed and it's worth it.
Random Acts of Kindness
Another great way to feel blessed is to send a random act of kindness to a friend or someone. For example, send flowers or a card to a friend or family member who is sick. You can also send an e-mail or even a text message to let someone know you are thinking of them. There are many things you can do to show kindness to others.
Count Your Blessings
Each night before you go to bed, take a minute to think about all of the many things you have to be thankful for in your life. Think about the many good things that happened to you during the day. Even the small things count as sometimes we seem to forget that the small things can have a huge impact on ourselves and others.
Move About
Instead of sitting on the couch, get up. Move around and take a walk or do some yard work. A great thing to do is to act as if you are a tourist and see what your entire town has to offer. Go buy yourself something nice.
Focus on what the word ‘blessed’ means to you and work proactively to encourage more of the feeling in your own life.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Sunday, 22 April 2012


For Single Ladies:7 Important points on Honouring Yourself.
1. A relationship is about mutual respect and honour.
2. You are worthy of honour and respect. If you don’t learn to honour yourself, you won’t be honoured in your relationship. If you don’t love yourself, no one will love you.
3. Learn to treat yourself with respect. Your significant other observes the way you treat yourself. If you treat yourself badly, guess how you will be treated by your significant other?
4. If something dishonours you in any way, you have to face it and stop it in your life. For instance, if you work in a place where you are treated less than a human being, it will crush your spirit and make you feel bad about yourself. Simply do all within your power to find another job.
5. We teach people how to treat us. If you don’t show your significant other how you want to be treated, you will be treated the best way that he knows how to and that may not be good for you. Gently explain to him the way you love to be treated and be ready to do the same for him.
6. A relationship is not a slave contraption. It is a value contraption. If you have to dishonour yourself to remain in a relationship, you are better off without it. Don’t beg to remain in a relationship in which you are not wanted, respected and honoured.
7. The more value you add to yourself, the more it will reflect in your relationship and in the way you are treated by your significant other. Value attracts honour and respect. In Proverbs 31, a woman of value attracts the respect of her husband:her husband ‘praises her and calls her the best.’ You can be the same.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi