Monday, 9 July 2012


Just a little bit of existential philosophy/therapy; the beauty of this aspect of philosophy is its emphasis on human’s freedom, choices, responsibility and problems that arise with existence. We may often  be caught-up with the busyness of the day where sometimes we become overwhelmed, anxious , stressed and have no time to question what this all means for us or what we want from life.Existential philosophy explores some of its themes viz-a-viz.
Freedom: is an essential principle of existentialism, our freedom to choose allows each of us to transcend the immediate circumstances of our life, we done. have to be victimized by nature, others or self unless of course this freedom is underdeveloped or denied.
Responsibility: with freedom comes the assumption of full responsibility for what we become. Nothing or no one can be blamed for who we are. Freedom and responsibility are inseparable.People must accept responsibility for directing their own lives.
Choices: The comportment in which we live and what we turn out to be are as a result of our choices.
Existence: One can distinguish 4 dimensions of human existence, the physical, social, psychological and spiritual. On each of these dimensions people encounter the world and shape their attitude out of their particular take on their experience. Our orientation towards the world defines our reality. The four dimensions are obviously interwoven and provide a complex four dimensional force field for our existence. We are stretched between a positive pole of what we aspire to on each dimension and a negative pole of what we fear.
What I love about this branch of philosophy is its flexibility. It acknowledges our freedom to think , explore self subsequently arriving with our own meanings .It philosophizes that the essence of human existence lies in searching for meaning and purpose.Meaning in itself is however,not automatic.We must seek it .We must trust ourselves to search from within and find our own answers.In addition,life is not meaningful in itself; the individual must create and discover meaning.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Musa