Friday, 31 December 2010


The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people.As you grow, your associates will change:
• Some of your friends will not want you to go on.
• They will want you to stay where they are.
• Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl.
• Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream.
Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.
Consider these:
• Never receive counsel from unproductive people.
• Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how.
• Not everyone has a right to speak into your life - You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person.
• Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere.
• With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it.
• Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life.Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships.If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl BUT if you associate with eagles you will learn how to soar to great heights."A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses."The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad.
Note: Be not mistaken.This is applicable to family as well as love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will always be your family no matter what.Just know that they are human first and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and will fit somewhere in the criteria above..
"In Prosperity Our Friends Know Us. In Adversity We Know Our Friends."
"Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them."If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.
Colin Powell
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Sunday, 12 December 2010


Are you wondering why this one person or many in your life is such a thorn in your side, criticizing your every move, telling you how everything you do is wrong, that you look awful and so on. Perhaps they are always putting you down and shouting down ideas that you have. This person may be a work colleague, boss, partner, friend or neighbor. The constant bombardment of negative feedback gets you down, leads to anxiety, reduced self esteem and you can not for the life of you work out why they are so nasty and targeting you for their criticism.
Why do they behave like this and should you fight back? 
My experience of people that are always criticizing others is that they are DEEPLY UNHAPPY, have a LOW SELF ESTEEM and perhaps even DEPRESSED. When people are depressed, sad or insecure often the world becomes very dark and they do see the enemy everywhere. Some people are very envious(jealous) of other people's success and deeply resent it. They then start to 'act' out.It can also be a form of projection. They project onto others what they feel about themselves. When they call you a loser, really this is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves. It is likely too that they consider this how you think about them so they get the insult out there first. The more unkind they are to you, the more distance you create between you, and this results in them trying harder to get your attention.
They feel rejected and try with inappropriate means to re-establish a connection. Look at how 'naughty children' behave when trying to get attention. The attention grabbing efforts are always negative and not positive. Is it possible this person has yet to learn these methods are not effective!
If you are an attractive, bubbly, successful, wealthy person with a nice happy home, great relationship, lovely children, nice car or any number of other things that this person does not have then this is in itself is reason for them to resent you if they are unhappy about what they lack in their own life.
When people take these pot shots at me, I generally see it for what it is. Insecurity and jealousy. I pity them and as such bear them no ill feeling. I may try to help them feel better about themselves or to gain what it is they want but do not have but ultimately if they can't quit their griping which can in the end drive even the strongest person down, then I will distance myself from them, perhaps indefinitely.
Do not let let people like this get you down and remember if you are in anyway at an advantage when compared to them their level of insecurity may make you their target.
If this person is complaining about your ideas perhaps in a work environment, then ask them for their ideas and suggestions. This tends to politely highlight the fact to them that they are complaining but not being at all productive it may also reveal surprising results in that in fact they perhaps do have ideas that may have been overlooked or gone unheard for risk of taking away someone elses lime light.
Either way, they are the ones who are unhappy, depressed, insecure, suffering from low self esteem issues. You can either elect to ignore them or help them but it is perhaps best not to fuel their misery by fighting back and slam dunking them with clever reprisals.
Good luck! And always give everything to GOD! Let HIM take over!

Stay Inspired
Mimee Pk Musa

Saturday, 27 November 2010


I recently changed my profile picture on facebook and the new image reads"I don't fit in.I stand out."Just a few minutes later after changing the picture, I get a message from someone(names whitheld) "what are you feeling like?"
Normally I will ignore such people seeing that we are not like-minded in any way but for some reason, I chose to reply : 'I like to feel/be different :)'.... That was exactly what was on my mind when I put up that image.It was obvious he took it out of context.More messages kept coming from this particular person but In spite of everthing to the contrary,I'm glad because much to my delight,it arose the opportunity for me to write this piece.
Now to the main topic of discourse,Are you tired of playing games, wearing masks or trying to be someone other than yourself? Wouldn't you like the freedom to just be accepted for who you are, without the pressure to be someone you really don't know how to be? Would you like to learn how to embrace your uniqueness and resist the pull to be like everyone else?
God knew what He was doing when He made you. You are a unique individual—You were created  the way you are! It's time that we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are.
Be Courageous
If you’re going to overcome insecurities and be the person you were meant to be, you must have the courage to be different. Unhappiness and frustration happen when we reject our uniqueness and try to be like each other. If you’re going to be successful at being completely you, then you’re going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else. You must ask yourself, Am I a people pleaser ?
Who Decides Your Worth?
Becoming a people pleaser is one of the easiest things we can do...but it can ultimately make us very unhappy. When we begin pleasing others, we begin to hear comments that make us feel good about ourselves. That’s okay as long as we don't derive our sense of worth from it. People are too fickle for us to place our sense of worth in their opinions. We’re worth something because we believe we're worth something—not because of what people think or say about us.
People pleasers allow others to control their lives in order to gain acceptance and approval. But we shouldn't be easily manipulated or controlled by others. We shouldn't let other people's opinions of us control our actions.
Walking in Love
At the same time, we must walk in love. We can't just do anything we want, whenever we want, with total disregard for the feelings of others. We can't say, "I'm going to do this, and if you don't like it, that's tough—that's your problem!"  Love doesn't behave that way. However, we must not allow people to manipulate and control us to the point that we’re never free to be who we are. If we do, we’ll always try to become the person we think others expect us to be.
Break Out of the Mold
Do not be conformed to this world (this age),…but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind…People will always try to fit us into their mold, partly due to their own insecurity. It makes them feel better about what they are doing if they can get someone else to do it too. Very few people have the ability to be who they are and let everybody else be who they are. Can you imagine how nice the world would be if we would all do that? Each person would be secure in who he is and let others be who they are. We would not have to try to be imitations of each other.
Unique for a Purpose
God wants to accept us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, to do something powerful in this earth. If we’re going to overcome insecurities and succeed at being ourselves, we can't continue to be afraid of what everybody else may think or even trying so hard to be someone else to fit in. We can't continue to allow others to fit us into their mold. wishing you were someone else is wasting the person that you are.We are different! We are unique! Each of us is created to  accomplish our different purposes in life.

Stay Inspired
Mimee Pk Musa

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


It sounds strange to imagine someone not really knowing who they are, what they want, or where they’re going. But it’s not all that uncommon for many people to be pretty clueless about themselves.

Have you ever asked someone what their life passions were, only to have them give you a blank stare? Or do you ever remember being asked to define your purpose in life, only to answer that you didn’t realize you had one?
I think it’s really sad how many of us go through lives being out of touch with the deeper part of ourselves. Oh sure, most of us know what foods we like, what leisure activities we enjoy, and maybe what our favorite color is. But for the most part, so many people muddle through life unconscious of their deepest needs, desires, and gifts.
Of course, there are some who have awakened to the realization that they are more than their physical body, more than their thoughts, and that there’s more to life than what their five senses report to them. However, these folks are the minority, although an ever-growing segment of the population.
If you want to join that group to enrich your life and live fully 100%, consider beginning your own adventure of self-exploration. What do I mean by that? Mostly, I see it as taking time to tune out the outside world, and tune into your inner world. Yes, there is a world inside of each of us, one that I imagine is even vaster than the world outside. As far as we can imagine reaching into outer space, I believe we can reach that far into inner space.
Self discovery is a process of self realization, expression and creation which demands a person explores and becomes aware of their true potentials , charaters and motives. I would like to start by asking you to go through this quiz first.
Do you wonder why your life is not how you want it be?
Do you feel unhappy at most times?
Do you feel you will never accomplish your dreams?
Do you feel lost and no longer recognise yourself?
Are you about to give up on everything?
Right!! If the answers to all the questions are Yes , just try to imagine someone you love dearly literally screaming No! No! No! at you ….. And this is why.
“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself”.. the wonderful you… who will Now say No! to the above questions .. by Alan Alda
Why would anyone decide to take this journey? What motivates those who seem to be on a continuous self-exploration voyage? I think it boils down to a certain level of dissatisfaction in life. We may set a goal, achieve it, and then find we’re not all done, there are more goals to set and achieve, more “stuff” to acquire.
We always seem to want more, and at some point we realize it’s never enough. Yet, when we delve into that inner world that needs no “stuff” for satisfaction, we may indeed find satisfaction in just being, rather than doing and having.
The way to begin your self-exploration is by making the decision to do so and then taking the time to embark on the adventure. At first, maybe set aside one hour to start. Ultimately, you will probably want to spend more time on this journey, maybe one hour a day or one day per week or more. Here are some steps you can take on your adventure of self-exploration. Enjoy the journey!
1. Go within.
Some people practice formal meditation, others just sit quietly with eyes closed, for a period of time. The idea is to quiet your mind of the constant barrage of thoughts, and experience a peaceful mind. Experienced meditators report that beyond the mind chatter is the voice of the inner self. When you can listen to your inner self, you will become acquainted with that deeper you–who you are at your core, why you are here, what your highest purpose is.
2. Journal.
After you have quieted your mind for a period of time, open your eyes and write any impressions you have from your journey inside. Did you hear any words of wisdom? Did any of your questions about your life get answered? As you journal on a regular basis, the wisdom you receive will increase, because you will get more and more in touch with this inner part of you.
3. Brainstorm.
You can do this yourself or with close friends or family. Make lists of activities you love, skills you have, values you embrace. Then look for what matters most to you. Doing this will bring you closer to your deeper needs, desires, and purpose. You’ll start to understand what motivates you, what brings you joy, and what you need to do to stay connected to this inner you.
4. Get guidance.
Read a book, work with a guide, take a workshop. Plenty of options are available to direct you on your path to self-exploration. Louise L. Hay, Wayne Dyer, and other popular authors like these have created books and workbooks that show you how to take the journey inside. Do this alone or find a friend or group of people to join you. Find a Meet Up group or contact a local spiritual organization or university.
Whatever path you choose, your adventure of self-exploration will be the greatest adventure of your lifetime.

“Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be”. By Robert Brault,
“Nurture your dreams, Discover your passion, Embrace your visions, Free your spirit, Share your love, Love your soul.” By Vicki Virk

Stay Inspired
Mimee Pk Musa

Saturday, 30 October 2010


When you think of religion, what comes to your mind—a set of rules, regulations and obligations or a deep, intimate relationship with God?
I like to consider myself someone who has a personal relationship with God through Jesus christ. I believe He died so we could have a living, vital relationship with God, not just a bunch of rules and regulations we’re forced to follow.
Yes, there are certain guidelines God wants us to follow, but His purpose in giving them is to protect us from the consequences of sin.
When we have a real relationship with God , life gets exciting because He stirs up a passion inside us to love people—and we don’t have to struggle to do the things He calls us to do. It just happens naturally.
God Is Not Mad at You
If there’s one thing people need to hear over and over again, it’s this: God loves you. That’s all there is to it. He may not like everything you do, but He’s never going to stop loving you.
God is not impressed with your works at all. What He cares about is your heart.That's why he judges by the heart (intention).
I believe the greatest thing God wants to hear from us is, “I love You, Lord. Thank You for everything You’ve done in my life. I want to do what’s right. Keep teaching me.”
Many of us don’t pray and ask God for what we need because we don’t think we have a right to ask. But the Bible says God wants us to learn how to receive His mercy.
Hebrews 4:15 says we have a High Priest, a perfect Savior, who understands our weaknesses. He’s been tempted just like we are, yet He never sinned.
Verse 16 says we can come fearlessly and confidently before God in prayer to receive His mercy and be forgiven.
New Creature, New Features
“Legally” you become a brand-new creation.
We shouldn’t be making up religious rules to live by, like having to read our Bible every single day;or attending church activities daily nor should we do whatever we want to because we know we’re going to heaven when we die.
Christianity is about living a vibrant, exciting life in Christ, and it goes hand in hand with developing a personal relationship with Him. Jesus wants us to be in love with Him.
Know What Really Matters
I was thinking one day about how judgmental I used to be about some people's lifestyle. Not long ago, I might have thought that I couldn’t do the same, but my friend said to me, “Do you really think that God anoints you more  for your good works than the other?”
It took some things like that to shock me into the realization that I was just holding on to a religious attitude, when God wanted us to freshen up our look in order to reach more people.
Sure, it’s good to do good deeds. But the bottom line is, we shouldn’t be so focused on our doing good or works that we lose sight of our main goal: developing a close, personal relationship with God. When we focus on works,we tend to give ourselves a  'self righteous'  or 'holier than thou' status.This happens even  in our subconcious minds.We now feel morally superior than others and so God should treat us more special than the other average person.Sadly God doesn't judge like that.Remember the story of Mary and Martha.Mary was spending time with Jesus and Martha was busy working,she thought Jesus should talk Mary into helping her or applaud her for her works.Or even the story of the prodigal son ,On his return, his elder brother was angry at why his father will give his  reckless prodigal brother a treat or a big welcome party while he stayed back working all those years.Rightly, his brother didn't deserve it,but God just as that father judges differently.
 If God decides to forgive sinners on judgement day and says His ignoring all thier flaws and they are all welcome to be with the saints in heaven.I'm sure some people will get angry at God for that unfair judgement in thier own thinking.
Living Your Life with God
God wants to be involved in everything we do. He wants us to fellowship with Him, which means communicating with Him throughout our day just like we do with someone who’s our close friend or family member.
Knowing God loves us, loving Him, spending time with Him, and being grateful for what He’s done and is doing in our lives can help us have a real relationship with Him.

Monday, 24 May 2010


That sounds like a good title for a country song! But think about it. Where are you looking for joy in your life?
Are you looking for joy only in the good things that happen to you? Are you looking for joy only in the accomplishments and not the journey? Is it hard for you to find joy in your struggles and challenges?
Lets start with what joy means to you. A common definition is a feeling of satisfaction, contentment, and pleasure. For you joy may even be more exuberant and celebratory or a deep inner connection. Some people feel joy as a more peaceful inner feeling, while others are more outgoing with their joy.
While even others of us are not finding a lot of joy in our lives at all. Not necessarily because our lives are difficult and stressful or we are overwhelmed with responsibilities. Sometimes it’s just because we don’t know where to look for joy or how to find joy. We just don’t seem to have that mindset.
You know that mindset that a lot of us grew up with since our parents lived through the depression. You have to get good grades in school. You have to work hard. You have to make something of yourself. You have to make money and save money. You have responsibilities to your family.
And even when we had achievements and some level of success, we didn’t necessarily get high fives, pats on the back, and congratulations! It was on to striving toward the next achievement. You graduated from high school as valedictorian. You emerged from college with a 4.0 average. You were selected to the top law firm in Chicago. Did you celebrate any of those victories? Did you find the joy in your achievements? If you did, kudos to you. You’re a head above many of the joyless bunch of strivers.
However, if you look at the path of your life, you’ll notice that you spend about 95% of your life on the journey toward your goals, and only 5% in the results, if that much. And if you’re not celebrating the results, you’re most likely not celebrating the journey. And if you looking for joy only in the results, you’re only joyful 5% of your life!
Since most of our lives are spent in the journey, doesn’t it make sense to look for the joy in every day activities as well as the accomplishments at the end of the path? If you were not brought up in an environment that celebrated and found joy in the big as well as little aspects of life, you can turn that around any time. Your joy is in your hands–and mind.
You can now become a joy seeker. Start by noticing what you are grateful for in your life. Can you find the joy in the sun coming through the window each morning? Do you feel joy when you eat a healthy breakfast to start your day? Notice the rewards you get even when you have challenges throughout the day. Can you find joy after settling down an irate client? Are you able to be joyful after you deliver a talk to a tough audience? Is it possible to experience joy while you’re stuck seeking a solution to a major problem?
If you can start finding the joy along the path to your goals, you’ll not only feel better about life and yourself, you’ll probably reach your goals sooner. More circumstances and people who can help you achieve your results will be attracted to your joy. So start looking for joy in all the right places and you’ll attract more joy and feel a lot happier.

Stay Inspired
Mimee pk Musa

Sunday, 9 May 2010


Like most people, I used to feel uncertain about how well I would succeed in my life seeing that I was coming from an average middle class family in Nigeria and society measures success in terms of affluence and material wealth.
This really used to affect my self esteem to the point I lacked self confidence when meeting people I thought were better educated or more affluent than myself. Then one day, (5 years ago) I decided to face my self doubts and learn the skills I felt will help me achieve lifestyle goals I wanted and become the person I wanted to grow into. I started reading self help books I could get my hands on, made list of the pro’s and con’s in my life, my skills ,I also attended training seminars and observed people around me to learn what to do and what not to. Since then, I have achieved all my goals and more. My life is so wonderful. From experience, I can say, being successful can be a lot easier than you think...
If you feel you're not successful it's only because you choose to focus on your failures.
But if you focus on success, you'll attract more success. It's really that simple.
When you focus on success you create success energy.
You give off this energy that says: "I'm successful" and successful people are drawn to that energy. So they'll be drawn to you and will in turn help you be more successful. You'll end up attracting more success.
Focus on the failures and you'll attract more failures and more of what you don't want.
Professional baseball players are a great example of how focusing on success leads to greater success.
They've got their mind and subconscious mind stuck on success... so they send out success energy... people pick up on their success energy and forget about all the failures. Instead, they only see the success... and so they get paid millions and millions, even though their bosses and everyone else knows they will fail more often than they succeed.
Their formula is simple... so simple that you can follow it and have the same success.
Every time a baseball player goes to the plate (to hit the ball) he will miss more often than succeed.
But they don't focus on the failures, their bosses don't focus on their failures, and the fans (who love them so much) don't focus on their failures. They focus on their success. Baseball players are measured by the number of their batting average. (The number of times they hit the ball in relation to the number times they go to bat)
This average often determines their salary.A really good baseball player will hit the ball only 30% of the time and make tens of millions of dollars a year. The fact that he will actually miss 70% of the timeis completely ignored. An average baseball player will hit 25% of the time, miss 75% of the time and still make millions a year. Again, no one focuses on the number of times he misses. Professional Athletes are not focused on failure. They're focused on success.
Professional athletes focus on their success and learn from their mistakes.
Are you focused on the failures or are you focused on your success?
Do you think about how you didn't succeed and what went wrong?
Are you learning from your mistakes and failures or are you giving up just because things didn't work out?
What you regularly think about is what you will attract. Think about the failures in life and you'll keep failing.
Think about the success and you'll attract more success. If baseball players and professional athletes focused on their failures they would never succeed (and they wouldn't get paid very much). They've conditioned their mind and subconscious mind to focus on success and attract more success.
Now you can do the same.
You can be successful.
You can put aside the failures.
You can attract what you want in life.
You can re-program your mind direct your subconscious mind to create the success you want.
Here's what you need to do to stop the endless failures and move on to success.
When things don't go right - look for what worked well and magnify that by 10.
Make that success (no matter how small) the most important aspect.
Learn from what went wrong - and say - I'll do better next time - and then get out there and do better the next time. Keep doing better and better - practice makes perfect.
If you fail, it only means you're going to be better the next time and you're closer to success.
Look back on your life and pick out all the success that you've had. Then write all of it down on a piece of paper. The success can be big or small.
The fact that you're alive is a success.
Small or big - write down the success.
Carry that piece of paper with you.
The next time you get down on yourself or get into a negative mindset - pull out that piece of paper and remember the success you had. Then think about all the great things that are going on in your life.
At first you may find that you can't think of anything. This only happens because your mind is not used to looking at the good things - it's used to looking and seeing all that is going wrong - that's why you keep getting more of what you don't want. Push the mind to focus on the positive. Give the subconscious mind new direction. Focus on your success. You're more successful than you realize - you're just not seeing your success. Once you do - others will join you. You can succeed at anything you want - you just have to believe in yourself.
Michael Jordan, perhaps the best basketball player of all time, was cut from his high school basketball team - but he didn't give up.
Pele - the world's best soccer player - was 2nd string and passed over for years before he began to dominate the game.
The best baseball players will miss nearly 70% of the time - but they make millions. They all focus on their success. Now you need to do the same. So start today. Start right now. Start thinking of all the success you've had in your life. Push your mind to come up with successful situations.
If you graduated high school - that's a success.
You're first relationship - that's a success (even if didn't work out - at least you got started).
If you have a family - that's a success.
Your first job - that's a success.
Anything and everything can be seen as successful. Focus on the success and learn from the mistakes.
Give your mind and subconscious mind a new direction –
You are more successful than you realize.
You are more powerful than you realize.
You are capable of achieving every goal.
You are a unique and awesome human being who is on the road to success.
Everything you want is within your reach - you can and will succeed.

Stay Inspired
Mimee PK Musa

Friday, 30 April 2010


All too often we take for granted the ones we love. Perhaps we get caught up in our daily activities of living and working and we forget to share our true inner feelings.“She knows I love her,” or “He knows I love him” but we never tell our loved ones. How does the person know you love them if you don’t say it? And why should we assume they know? We sometimes believe that because we said it last week, then it should still stand till this week. For most women it doesn’t work like that.We just need to hear it over and over again. We all want to hear our loved ones say it “I love you”.May be you grew up in a family where positive, loving feelings were not expressed in words, so you don’t know what to say. Perhaps you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing, or that if you express your feelings you won’t be able to control them. That’s okay, even you cry.An advertisement I came across reads, “Say it flowers”, May be that’s how you tell that special someone of your love or may be say it with a well- chosen card.
My boyfriend loves dark chocolates, so I often give him those and a card on special occasions. He appreciates those token of love, but I’ve learnt over the years not to let the cards or gift do all the work of saying what I really feel inside.I also need to say the words, “I love you.”Everyone needs to hear words of love. In the Song of Solomon, The lovers frequently used endearing terms when speaking to each other.Today, tell that special person “I love you”. Not just with candy or flowers but with words- Dave Egner.
Think this over.When was the last time you said “I love you” to a special person in your life?Think of a special quality you appreciate in that person and tell him or her about it.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Sunday, 11 April 2010


Don't you just admire this kind of courage?
I met a mouse neat and square
Rather than killing it, I gave it cheese
It must have thought this queer.
For it came back
and asked unexpectedly,
‘Can I have milk as well?
This got me thinking and I tried to relate this to our daily lives.
We are faced with challenges that leave us uncertain.
Just like this bold mouse,sometimes we need to step out in boldness
and go for what we want despite the fear and doubts in our minds.
We can still feel the fear and do it anyway.
Don't let fear keep you from chasing that dream you've always wanted.
It's better to try and fail than fail to try.
Your courage is the first step to getting what you want and achieving that desired dream of your heart.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Saturday, 20 March 2010


Dear friends,
I’m currently taking an E-course in personal development. I found today’s lesson absolutely awesome. So I decided to summarize it based on my understanding and share it with you all.
Do you know when you truly believe something - have faith that it will happen – then it really will happen. All you have to do is believe. I particularly love the song ‘when you believe’ by Mariah and Whitney Houston and I always relate to it whenever I’m in doubt or fear of the outcome of different situations I find myself.
Now I know a lot of people don't completely accept that idea and then there are those who say they practice it - but really don't truly practice it - they just think they do.But there are those who are living examples of this concept -people who truly practice Believing and have great success.Have you ever wondered why or how they do that?
Well it's really not that complicated and in this post,you're going to discover the simple steps behind the Power of Believing. For you to establish your power of believing - so that you achieve your goals - you need to have a number of elements in place before this Power of Believing can help you achieve your goals. When you follow the steps that I outline you will be working with the power of believing and you will propel yourself toward success. Before I get into how to utilize the power of believing I think it's important to give you a little background and I thought it would be more helpful to look at some concrete information that proves - what you believe is what you get.
Recent studies show that a person who believes they are truly sick and that they are going to die will not fare as well as someone who believes they can recover and will survive. And those who believe the will get better usually go on to live a healthy lifestyle. Today in New York City - doctors at Sloan-Kettering cancer center are teaching cancer patients the power of Positive thinking and how their beliefs will impact their chances of survival. Since the turn of the Century (2000 and forward) researchers have begun taking closer look at the impact the state of a person's mind has on their health and life. Those that have completed their studies have found that what we think and the state of our mind have a direct impact on our life, reality and health.
For example: a person who is constantly stressed, spends little or no time meditating, has a negative or bleak outlook on life is more prone to sickness, will have an unhealthy lifestyle and is more likely to be in an unstable relationship. A person who takes time to meditate, has a positive outlook and believes he or she can and will cope is more likely to be in better health, look younger and will have more positive fulfilling relationships. So how does what we believe impact our lives?
What you believe is what you get!
I think that about sums it up. Now I know some of you may not accept that - but here's what  happens when you believe something. If you believe that relationships are difficult and require a lot of work - then you'll only attract people who will make the relationship difficult or force you to put a lot of work into it. More importantly - if you worry about something - you basically believe the worst and you'll likely get the worst. That doesn't happen all of the time and there is a reason for it not happening all of the time. Even though you worry - a small part of you is hopeful that you'll have a positive outcome and thus a complete disaster is often avoided. However, if you were to only worry and think of the worst at all times - never being hopeful - then you could be setting up yourself for a massive disaster. But there is more to believing than just creating beliefs. Having positive beliefs is the first step toward creating a positive and successful life. Believing is something completely different. Here's an example: You may have positive beliefs about money; you may have a belief that there are plenty of ways to make money. But if you don't believe that you will make money - you won't make the amount that you are hoping for.
A belief is the way you feel about something - it's deeply rooted and if I asked you a question about it you'd have an answer. Believing something is trusting that what you want can and will happen. There is not a single doubt that it will happen - you completely trust and know that it will happen. Many people I speak to are missing this element in their daily lives. They'll do all of the other work that is necessary to achieve their goals - but they can't get this element of believing into their system.So how do we begin believing so that we can create the life we want?
Change Your Beliefs
In many ways we've been raised to not believe. If you can't see it - it's not real (seeing is believing) - that's what we're taught. But believing is vital to our survival and success. If we could only believe that everything would work out and trust that what you want can and will happen - you'd have remarkable results. Your life would change in ways you never thought possible. But for some reason - most people just can't believe that things will workout for them. They look at past results and judge their future on those results.
Let me ask you a few simple questions:
Do you believe, without a doubt, that you can and will have
everything that you want in life?
Do you believe without a doubt that you will be guided to the right
situation at the right time - no matter what you will get to where
you want to be in life?
Do you believe, without a doubt, that there is always a way to
achieve your goals - you just have to find it?
If you answered no or maybe to any of the above questions - then you don't believe - and therefore won't be able to accomplish your goals and live the life you want. Believing requires a complete trust that everything will workout. That you will do your part in finding solutions while trusting and knowing that you can and will get what you want out of life.
Here's an example of believing that most of us can relate to on some level. If you have a child or if a friend or a relative has a newborn child - then think about that child for a moment. Think about the earliest time that you saw that child. Remember when it couldn't even feed itself or make a sound. It hadno motor coordination and didn't really recognize things very well. Now assuming this was a healthy child - when it was at that stage - did you or it's parent - ever doubt that it would learn to walk?
The answer is no. Everybody was convinced; everybody believed that the child would learn to walk. That's the kind of belief I'm talking about that's needed to achieve your goals. You have to believe that things will workout - no doubts - just trust in yourself, your inner powers and the powers that be - that everything will workout and it will.

Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Life is filled with many reflections that often appear to be coincidental. Acts of Love and faith come back several times to those people who first shared these acts with others. They did so expecting nothing in return. However there will always be reflections of thought and action.
In the words of Eric Hoffer , "It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words."Just Like a healthy tree bears fruit yearly; your outer life will always mirror/reflect your inner being. Your attitude and self talk will always reflect back from your outer world.There is this common saying my mum always points out, "You'll get from a thing exactly what you put into it."In other words whatever you give is what you get in return or what you sow is what you reap. A farmer never sows good seeds and reaps a bad harvest. Actually, the fact is you’ll get in return multiple of what you give. No matter what you want to achieve, one of the most powerful forces with which to begin your dream is INTENTION. Intentions enforce and drive thoughts and action.
Intention is more than a wishing, dreaming or having an "I'll try it and see" attitude. Intention is power-driven by God-given faith and courage to draw a plan, act on the plan, and see it through to the best of your ability. Good intentions lead to good deeds and actions and vice versa.
When we move further with the intention to achieve, the reflections we get in return will be strong and clear. They will bring to us the circumstances and events that move us closer to our dreams.
Ideas can appear that seem to extraordinarily give ways around the most puzzling situations. These ideas are just the foundation of the reflections inspired by faith and intentions. Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you knew very well that your good intentions/ deeds in the past paid off? It has happened several times to me. Usually, whenever this happens, I tell myself”It pays to be good” while smiling and reflecting. Someone reading this might argue this” Not all the time”. Yes, not all the time but most of the time. Good intentions or motives bring good / positive outcome. If you have good intentions for yourself and others, that good heart of yours will bring you blessings.
As grownups we already have a conscience to know what is right and wrong and what is good and bad. Though, there are situations that leave us confused. A good way to test your intention is to ask yourself before planning; making a decision or even taking actions is what my reason for doing this is? Or why? As the case may be. Is your answer tending toward good or evil? Is it selfish or selfless? Is it good or bad? From your answer, you will know if it’s a good intention or not. Better still, you can pray, I particularly love this prayer of the psalmist.“Search me O God, and know my heart, Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead in me to the way that is right and everlasting” I also love the fact that God knows each of our intentions and our hearts and he Judges and rewards accordingly. God is not man to judge by outward action.
Someone once said to me “Mimi I want to get myself the latest home theater”. And I smiled back and said to him it was a nice idea but I asked if he really needed it and why now? Sadly, His answer was because a friend of his had one and he wanted to have it too not necessarily because he needed it at the moment. Obviously, his envy and lack of contentment drove him to compete with his friend who was not even aware it. I personally don’t think his intention was right. It was selfish .So is the same with giving. People give for so many reasons. Some do it to be noticed, some to get a good public reputation and approval for themselves etc. All of these are selfish and they never pay off in the future.
Hold on to your vision strongly and clearly in mind without hesitating. Give generously to people to solve their different problems if you can. Give your friendship, your time, your encouragement, kind words, help/support, money, gifts, resources, best wishes and blessings, prayers etc but most importantly, do it for the right reasons. Even though sometimes it may not be appreciated, it will surely pay you off later and then you'll remember and it will make you smile. Your inspired reflections and good intention will help toward achieving the most cherished dreams and desires of your heart!

Stay Inspired.
Mimee pk Musa