In the words of Eric Hoffer , "It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words."Just Like a healthy tree bears fruit yearly; your outer life will always mirror/reflect your inner being. Your attitude and self talk will always reflect back from your outer world.There is this common saying my mum always points out, "You'll get from a thing exactly what you put into it."In other words whatever you give is what you get in return or what you sow is what you reap. A farmer never sows good seeds and reaps a bad harvest. Actually, the fact is you’ll get in return multiple of what you give. No matter what you want to achieve, one of the most powerful forces with which to begin your dream is INTENTION. Intentions enforce and drive thoughts and action.
Intention is more than a wishing, dreaming or having an "I'll try it and see" attitude. Intention is power-driven by God-given faith and courage to draw a plan, act on the plan, and see it through to the best of your ability. Good intentions lead to good deeds and actions and vice versa.
When we move further with the intention to achieve, the reflections we get in return will be strong and clear. They will bring to us the circumstances and events that move us closer to our dreams.
Ideas can appear that seem to extraordinarily give ways around the most puzzling situations. These ideas are just the foundation of the reflections inspired by faith and intentions. Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you knew very well that your good intentions/ deeds in the past paid off? It has happened several times to me. Usually, whenever this happens, I tell myself”It pays to be good” while smiling and reflecting. Someone reading this might argue this” Not all the time”. Yes, not all the time but most of the time. Good intentions or motives bring good / positive outcome. If you have good intentions for yourself and others, that good heart of yours will bring you blessings.
As grownups we already have a conscience to know what is right and wrong and what is good and bad. Though, there are situations that leave us confused. A good way to test your intention is to ask yourself before planning; making a decision or even taking actions is what my reason for doing this is? Or why? As the case may be. Is your answer tending toward good or evil? Is it selfish or selfless? Is it good or bad? From your answer, you will know if it’s a good intention or not. Better still, you can pray, I particularly love this prayer of the psalmist.“Search me O God, and know my heart, Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead in me to the way that is right and everlasting” I also love the fact that God knows each of our intentions and our hearts and he Judges and rewards accordingly. God is not man to judge by outward action.
Someone once said to me “Mimi I want to get myself the latest home theater”. And I smiled back and said to him it was a nice idea but I asked if he really needed it and why now? Sadly, His answer was because a friend of his had one and he wanted to have it too not necessarily because he needed it at the moment. Obviously, his envy and lack of contentment drove him to compete with his friend who was not even aware it. I personally don’t think his intention was right. It was selfish .So is the same with giving. People give for so many reasons. Some do it to be noticed, some to get a good public reputation and approval for themselves etc. All of these are selfish and they never pay off in the future.
Hold on to your vision strongly and clearly in mind without hesitating. Give generously to people to solve their different problems if you can. Give your friendship, your time, your encouragement, kind words, help/support, money, gifts, resources, best wishes and blessings, prayers etc but most importantly, do it for the right reasons. Even though sometimes it may not be appreciated, it will surely pay you off later and then you'll remember and it will make you smile. Your inspired reflections and good intention will help toward achieving the most cherished dreams and desires of your heart!
Stay Inspired.
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