was a chilly cold evening the moon was out,the house was quiet as always.I was so tired but felt the urge to wine down having had a long
busy day. I sunk into the sofa glazing at and admiring the full moon
hoping I would doze off; that didn’t work so I grabbed the remote controls and
switched on the television. I could hear myself saying I hate television but
then I heard a little voice on the other side of me saying watching television
is only 90% unproductive
which is I have 10% productivity television time to play with ! You see… I had
reduced my television watching a few years back and I have enjoyed engaging in
what I call living a productive life .I often wonder how some people could
spend 80% of their life watching television . Anyhow having spent about ten
minutes flicking through the channels I came across How to get what you want broadcasting on Sky
One. At first I was hesitant to stay tuned but then had a glimpse at
the synopsis of the programme. Bingo! it sounded good so I dashed off to the
kitchen, made myself a nice cup of hot choclate and got all excited and began watcing and taking notes.Here's a summary of what I picked from the show.To Become a
Winner amongst others is about:
Being positiveBeing confident.
Being optimistic but not pessimistic.
Being open minded this can lead us to new opportunities.
Being able to Thinking differently.
Being able to spot and identify opportunities where others don’t.
takes Drive,Determination
and Execuction. It is advisable to start off initially with baby steps as
needed and be consistent coupled with the right attention to details to become
a winner .
They went on to talk about giving attention to details and highlighted the need
to know our strengths and weakness and where to direct our energy. Do your SWOT (Strength, Weakness Opportunities and
Threats). Looking deeply at your SWOT allows you to identify
areas that needs work, in order to move on and attain this goal of become a
winner. For instance, ' T '
which represents threats - could mean lack of confidence. If that’s the case
then doing nothing, is not the solution but to persistently work on building confidence
to Become a Winner How to Get what you want .
Hard work;
here they gave an example of 100,000 hours of practice. Although it sounds
crazy but these hours contribute a great deal as we build up on them ; we
perfect our skills with practice !
Exhibiting the true
characteristics of a winner by being confident, presumptuous
and charismatic.They gave a lovely example in football of Jose Mourinho, ex-manager of Chelsea who
showed such courage and fearlessness in securing the English football
premiership back to back (twice).He confidently predicted his success even
before winning these accolades.
Stay on track!
Keep the fire burning and maintain the momentum!
Be a big picture thinker and project your hope into the unknown future. This is
a skill I am confident works and I am now perfecting myself in this area.
guys this is just about most of what I have picked up watching How to Become a winner;
It does not always have to be linked to Wealth & Fortunes! I personally
feel it could also be strongly linked to anything from helping others to being
in good health and happiness. The other side of winning is losing and that does
not make anyone a loser; it’s just a fact of life! Most winners have lost in
the past but are able pick themselves up and not dwell on their loss. So when
we do lose it is an opportunity to put our loss into perspective, regroup, be
realistic, learn from it and move on.. That’s the winner attitude!
if you do have (Sky 1) remember to tune in, each series is different and I
believe it will be informative and educational. Use a search engine (preferably
Google) to acquire the viewing times in your area. Otherwise I hope the above
has given you some insight into to how to become a winner.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi
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