Friday, 24 July 2015


Here are ten steps that will take you closer to becoming a better you:
1. Evaluate Your Behavior. Everyone needs a reality check, including you. Sometimes we need to stop and evaluate are attitudes and behaviors. We must ask ourselves questions like, "Does my attitude project negative or positive energy? Do people consider me to be a positive person? Do I easily get angry and lash out at others? Am I pleasant to be around?" These are questions that we must take the time to genuinely answer. Self-evaluation is the key to self-improvement.
2. Correct and Acknowledge Mistakes. Are you the type of person who swears they are never wrong and everyone else around them is? Do you find it difficult to accept and acknowledge your mistakes? Well if this describes you, you not only have an issue with being right all the time, you also have a pride issue. Prideful people are not pleasant to be around. They never acknowledge their mistakes and feel as though no one can tell them anything. Sadly, this type of behavior not only affects your relationship but it also affects your growth process. Learn how to acknowledge and correct your mistakes.
3. Be Humble. Brahma Kumaris explains it better than I can: "Greatness lies in being humble. A seed grows only when it is mingled with the mud. In the same way, the one who is great is naturally humble. He understands the truth that only when there is humility will there be success. Humility gives the power to bow down without reducing one's own self-respect. When we are humble we are able to be experience our inner greatness, which naturally keeps us set on the seat of our self-respect. So when the situation demands, we have no problem bowing down. We are able to allow the situations to work on us and we are able to strengthen ourselves from within under all circumstances..."Well said Kumaris.
4. Stop Complaining. Its simple than it sounds..stop complaining. Even I am guilty of this at times. When you complain you fail to show how grateful you are. You fail to appreciate even the small things that you take for granted. The amount of time you spend on complaining, takes away from the time you should be thanking God for all he has done in your life. Chronic complaining is good for no one, not even yourself.
5. Be Approachable. Stop being so stand off and unapproachable. Fix your face and your attitude while you are at it. What you fail to understand is that the more you knowingly or unknowingly try to block people away...the more blessings, opportunities and favors you miss out on. Even a billionaire understands the power of people relations. You cannot be a success all on your own, there will be people to guide you and help reach your goals. And you cannot reach the goals you set before yourself if you continue to build "The Great Wall" around you.
6. Get Over It! I cannot stress this point enough! To simply put it...GET OVER IT. Whatever "it" may be, Let Go and Let God. So many people are held in emotional, spiritual, and physical bondage over something or someone that they refuse to let go. I understand that there may be some experiences that one can never forget, but by God's grace you can overcome it. There are woman carrying baggages filled with negative experiences that they will not let go. Holding on to grudges causes bitterness, frustration, envy, jealousy and more. You are more than your hurt...challenge yourself to rise above "it" and hand your baggage over to God.
7. Respect Yourself and Others. Respecting yourself and knowing your self-worth must be the Golden Rule. In order to respect others you must first respect yourself. We live in a society were people must earn respect, which is understandable. But, I believe the process of respect is not about earning it but first and foremost giving it. Respecting others is a sign that you value their self-worth.
8. Embrace Change. Life is all about change. You must learn how to not only embrace change but accept it. Stop always playing it safe and living a stagnant life. Learn how to chase after your dreams. Don't be afraid of change, change at times it not always easy...but it is inevitable. So do the best that you can while transitioning through life. If you going to make a change...make one that everyone can believe in!
9. Love yourself. There is only one you. No one can be a better you and you cannot be a better someone else. Love who are you are, flaws and all. Embrace your uniqueness. You cannot love someone else if you hate certain parts of yourself. You must first love yourself and become a better you before you can love anyone or anything. Be you, bold and clear.
10. Let go and Let God. Cast all your problems and woes unto someone who can guide you. Let go of all the emotions and actions that is stunting your progression in life. Learn how to Let Go and Let God.
Stay Inspired
Uhanan Mimi

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